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Healthcare News

  • Causes of right shoulder and arm pain

    Pain in the right shoulder and arm is often due to muscle, tendon, or ligament damage, or due to damage to the peripheral nerves in those areas. In some cases, it could be a sign of a heart attack.

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  • Reasons for Small Bumps on Elbows and Treatment Options

    Pimple-like bumps on elbows can be white, brown, red, or skin-colored. Usually, they are caused by something acute (short-term), like acne or an ingrown hair. But they can also be related to a chronic condition, like eczema or psoriasis.

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  • Why Do My Knees Hurt When I Run? 6 Reasons

    Whether you're new to running or a veteran marathoner, you may wonder, "Why do my knees hurt when I run?" Causes of knee pain after running can range from runner's knee to having poor form while running to wearing the wrong shoe for your foot shape and stride.

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  • Causes of Shoulder Pain and Treatment Options

    Reasons for why your shoulder hurts can vary, but where you feel pain can help narrow down the cause. You may have an ache from something as simple as poor posture at the computer. You may have a case of shoulder bursitis due to repetitive motion, a sudden injury, or even a completely different medical condition.

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  • Causes and treatments for burning in the knee

    A burning pain or sensation can occur in the knee after a trauma, overuse injury, or strain. Rest, ice, over-the-counter medication, and a knee support may help relieve symptoms, but some people may need medical treatment.

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