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  • Stick to supportive shoes if you have knee pain

    A randomized controlled trial found that sturdy supportive shoes improve knee pain on walking and knee-related quality of life compared with flat flexible shoes.

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  • Here’s How You’re Making Your Knee Pain Worse

    Is it just a temporary ache or is it a nagging injury that just doesn’t seem to heal? Getting the right diagnosis is extremely important but so is how you treat the pain. In fact, you may even be making your knee pain worse without even realizing it.

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  • Glucosamine: Should I Try It?

    Glucosamine plays a vital role in building and repairing cartilage. Many people take glucosamine supplements in the hope of boosting their joint health. Do they work?

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  • 7 Causes Of Ulnar-sided Wrist Pain

    Your wrist is extremely important to almost everything you do with your hands, including lifting objects, exercising, preparing food, etc. The ulnar side of your wrist is the side of your “pinkie” finger (or small finger), and pain on this side can be very common. It’s so common, in fact, that it can sometimes be difficult to determine the exact cause.

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  • Swollen Knee: Causes And How To Treat It

    A variety of issues can cause knee swelling, including injuries and medical conditions such as arthritis. A person can treat some of these causes at home, while other issues require care from a doctor. In some cases, the cause of the swelling is chronic and requires long-term treatment.

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