Nerve Zap' Pain Treatment Could Cut Need for Opioids After Surgeries
An emerging technology could zap your post-op pain away — little or no opioids needed. The technique is called percutaneous peripheral nerve stimulation.
An emerging technology could zap your post-op pain away — little or no opioids needed. The technique is called percutaneous peripheral nerve stimulation.
Bicep tendonitis develops when a tendon in the biceps muscle swells and becomes inflamed. It usually occurs with other problems with the shoulder, such as dislocation, impingement, or arthritis.
With spring baseball season underway, Eric Makhni, M.D., a Henry Ford Health System sports medicine orthopedic surgeon, warns about how overuse can contribute to the high rate of arm injuries among youth players.
Golfer’s Elbow, like Tennis Elbow, is a condition that causes pain in your elbow. However, Golfer’s Elbow is where the tendons of your forearm muscles attach to the bony bump on the inside of your elbow and the pain might spread into your forearm and wrist.
A shoulder injury such as a badly torn rotator cuff threatens to pause or end the career of any athlete in sports ranging from football, basketball and baseball to golf and tennis. Athletes sidelined with such an injury could benefit from a new tissue implant on the market invented at Purdue University.