What to know about bow legs
Bow legs is a condition in which a person’s legs appear to bow or bend outward. It occurs when a person who is standing straight with their ankles together appears to have a space between their knees.
Bow legs is a condition in which a person’s legs appear to bow or bend outward. It occurs when a person who is standing straight with their ankles together appears to have a space between their knees.
According to Rehabilitation of the Hand and Upper Extremity, dog bites are known as the most common type of animal bite in the United States, accounting for 60-90% of all bite wounds. Cat bites only make up 10-15% of animal bites, but they account for a higher number of infections overall. The difference in infection rate occurs because of the difference in mechanism of bites between cats and dogs.
Impingement of the ulnar nerve causes a radiating pain or numbness in the pinky finger, ring finger, and edge of the hand.
Some people with osteoarthritis (OA) find relief from natural treatments, such as physical therapy and acupuncture. Many experts recommend a combination of drug-based and natural treatments for people with OA.
Lower-than-normal levels of sex hormones can increase the risk of shoulder injuries in men and women, according to a new study.