What Is an Osteotomy and Why Would You Need It?
Osteotomy is a surgical technique used to correct alignment or malunion in a bone. It may be used to fix a broken bone that healed incorrectly, remove part of a bone, or cut open a bone.
Osteotomy is a surgical technique used to correct alignment or malunion in a bone. It may be used to fix a broken bone that healed incorrectly, remove part of a bone, or cut open a bone.
Shoulder surgery can potentially restore pain-free range of motion and full function to a damaged shoulder joint. Surgery is a treatment for a variety of conditions in your shoulder joint. These include rotator cuff tears, shoulder dislocations, and shoulder separations.
If you have carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), then you may understand how the symptoms can affect your everyday work and recreational activities. The pain, tingling, and weakness in your hand or fingers may keep you from typing on your computer, writing, or holding items. And one of the most challenging characteristics of carpal tunnel syndrome: getting an accurate diagnosis.
Frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis, occurs when inflammation and scar tissue invade the shoulder joint. It can start with inflammation of the joint that leads to scarring, or in some cases the scarring happens with little inflammation.
Osteoarthritis is a major cause of disability, affecting 22.9 percentTrusted Source of people over age 40 around the world. This article explains how acupuncture can treat osteoarthritis of the knee, what to expect if you try acupuncture therapy, and how effective it is as a pain management tool.